Круглый стол “Where do Russia and Europe stand and what will be the next future?”
- Кто: НИУ ВШЭ
- Где: Москва, Б. Трехсвятительский пер., д.3
- Когда: 18.04.16 (16:00—23:00)
Конференция, Форум, Съезд473 просмотра
Список участников:
Профессор Жак СапирПрофессор Мстислав Афанасьев
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April 18, 2016, Monday, at 17:30.
Prof. Dr. Jacques Sapir is a director of the Research center CEMI at the Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales (EHESS, Paris, France), university partner of HSE. Sapir’s blog is http://russeurope.hypotheses.org/ He is also a commentator on the Russian broadcasting company “Sputnik”.
Main topics of conference will be:
· Russia’s and European borders. The dual process of NATO and EU enlargements: misconceptions, misperceptions and its ultimate collapse.
· Is Russia a small Soviet Union, a country of its own or the core of a new Union to come: a new development model?
· Russia and the multipolar world: “sovereign democracy” or “grand alliance” with China.
· Russia’s economy in crisis: 2013 or earlier and the impact of the last two years
· Stagnation in Europe since 2011: is it the black hole of World economic growth?