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Круглый стол “Where do Russia and Europe stand and what will be the next future?”
  • Кто: НИУ ВШЭ
  • Где: Москва, Б. Трехсвятительский пер., д.3
  • Когда: 18.04.16 (16:00—23:00)
Конференция, Форум, Съезд473 просмотра
Список участников:
Профессор Жак Сапир
Профессор Мстислав Афанасьев
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We are pleased to invite you to Jacques Sapir conference “Where do Russia and Europe stand and what will be the next future?” that will be held on
April 18, 2016, Monday, at 17:30.

Prof. Dr. Jacques Sapir is a director of the Research center CEMI at the Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales (EHESS, Paris, France), university partner of HSE. Sapir’s blog is http://russeurope.hypotheses.org/ He is also a commentator on the Russian broadcasting company “Sputnik”.
Main topics of conference will be:

· Russia’s and European borders. The dual process of NATO and EU enlargements: misconceptions, misperceptions and its ultimate collapse.

· Is Russia a small Soviet Union, a country of its own or the core of a new Union to come: a new development model?

· Russia and the multipolar world: “sovereign democracy” or “grand alliance” with China.

· Russia’s economy in crisis: 2013 or earlier and the impact of the last two years

· Stagnation in Europe since 2011: is it the black hole of World economic growth?


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